Monday, January 18, 2010

bad news for Uncle Winston

Mommy took Uncle Winston the vet on Friday because the area where he used to have a leg was all lumpy. The vet ran some tests and said the cancer is back. It's sarcoma again and within 3 days has spread to around his chest from his back. The vet said about 6 months but it's spreading so fast we don't think it will be that long before he goes to the rainbow bridge. Please purr for him that he can continue to walk and that his pain medicine works to keep him comfortable. Thanks.

~C.C. & 'Nae

Friday, January 8, 2010

What's the difference???

Q: What is the difference between a 1 year old kitty & a 1 year old human?
A: Not much. The kitty may be a little more potty trained than a human but everything else is
the same.

Q: What is the differnce between a 2 year old kitty & a 2 year old human?

Q: What is the differnce between a 3 year old kitty & a 3 year old human?
A: A kitty won't put a PB&J sandwich in a vcr. Other than that, not much.

Q: What is the difference between a 4 year kitty & a 4 year old human?
A: A human understands what "no no" means and you can put them in time out.

Q: At what point does the kitty stop being a toddler? At what point does the Mommy understand they are curtain climbers for life? At what point does Mommy stop loving the similarities - the need for snuggles, the little soft touch on the cheek, the kisses, the tiny sneezes, the little toys, the curiosity, and the belief that Mommy is the greatest thing in the world?
A: NEVER!!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year to all!!!

As we sit by the Charlie Brown Christmas tree with the unbreakable ornament on it and look back on this year, we are blessed with all the purrs and prayers from our friends in the CB. This year has been another big year for us. Destroying toilet paper, kleenex and flinging food has only been part of it. We are happy to say that we are well and Uncle Winston has all of his fur back after having his leg removed due to cancer. We have gotten many chances to help other kitties and have learned lots of clean jokes from Jeter to tell our other friends. We have cried with you and laughed with you and been part of many great journies together! Thank you to all our friends in the CB and may 2010 bring stinky goodness and crunchy treats by the truck load!

lotsaluv~ C.C. & 'Nae